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Homework assignments are assigned a chapter at a time.

Please do not work ahead until you have learned the lesson.


The homework is collected the day after it is assigned.


Homework is only accepted late if you were absent.


The homework is out of 10 points.


You need to show your work for each question. No work, no credit.


The answers are not a secret!

Check your answer as you finish each one. I will not read the answers to each question the next day in class. I will do the problems on the board for the ones you had questions about.

If you get the question wrong, go back and analyze your work and try to find out where you went wrong. I like to see your thought process while fixing your answer so there’s no need to erase and start all over. 

Finishing your homework: Mark on your homework any problems you had questions on. Write those questions down to ask the next day. If you get to school early, come see me before school with those questions.


You are required to have the work and the answer correct OR have work showing that you are trying to get to the correct answer.


1. Go back and look at our notes from class that day. Each example in our notes lines up with the questions on the homework. Analyze what we did in our notes and compare how that is similar to the homework question.
2. Watch the personal tutor videos on the textbook's website. There is a video for each example we did in class.
3. Ask a friend for help.
4. Go to the chapter we are learning about on this website to look at the resources I have for you.
Google the name of the lesson we are learning in class to find videos on it.

"If we believe that we can learn, and that mistakes are valuable, our brain begins to grow to a greater extent when we make a mistake." - Jo Boaler

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